Charles Edward Holaday 

  • Born:
  • Friday, April 30, 1971
  • Place of Birth:
  • Mesa, Arizona
  • Occupation:
  • Software Developer

  • Siblings (Ordered by Birth Date):
  •     1. Albert Dean Holaday 
        2. Sharon Ann Frasier 
        3. Donald Ray Holaday 

    Charles Edward Holaday —   Albert DeWayne Holaday ————————   Roy Raymond Holaday
    —  Viana Holaday
    —  Marie Kathryn Holaday —————————   Anton Albers
    —  Helen Therese Albers

  • Notes: 
  • Music-Piano and Guitar, build furniture, BA degree in Psychology.

    Copyright 2000 Holaday Productions, L.L.C.