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  • James Warren Mather 

  • Born:
  • Sunday, June 04, 1911
  • Place of Birth:
  • Grinnell, KS
  • Occupation:
  • USDA Agriculture CO-OP Service
  • Died:

  • Saturday, October 04, 1986  
    (Aged:  75 Years,  4 Months,  0 Day) 
  • Place of Death:
  • Arlington, VA
  • Place of Burial:
  • Trinity Church Cemetary, Alexandria, VA

  • Married:

  • Evelyn Pauline Mather (Ezell) on Sunday, June 12, 1938.
    (Married:  86 Years,  3 Months,  0 Day) 
  • Children (Ordered by Birth Date):
  • 1. Robert James Mather on Tuesday, May 07, 1940.
    2. Roger Leland Mather on Monday, March 18, 1946.
    3. John Warren Mather on Tuesday, April 27, 1948.
    4. George Dean Mather on Thursday, January 25, 1951.

  • Siblings (Ordered by Birth Date):
  •     1. Infant Girl  
        2. Gordon Holaday Mather 
        3. Grace Elizabeth Mather 

    James Warren Mather —   James Harvey Mather ———————————   James Mather
    —  Florence A Mather
    —  Sarah Elizabeth Holaday ———————   James Edward Holaday
    —  Jennie Holaday

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    This record last updated:  Wednesday, October 23, 2002