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      Name Born   Died

    1. Parker, Kirby Joe 4/20/1958


    2. Parker, Matthew Fredrick 8/29/1988


    3. Patterson, Curtis Lee 1/25/1984


    4. Patterson, Dean 2/24/1952


    5. Peterson, Ashley Paige Jordan 8/23/1981


    6. Peterson, Brekke Lane 9/23/1985


    7. Peterson, Robert Franklin      
    8. Petrucci, Nick      
    9. Petrucci, Virginia      
    10. Pfannenstiel, Alois  


    11. Pfannenstiel, Martin 3/20/1905


    12. Pfannenstiel, Mary Elizabeth (Schulte) 10/12/1905


    13. Pfannestiel, LuVerna (Frietag)      
    14. Pfannestiel, Virgil      
    15. Preston, Cynthia Lee (Roberts) 8/19/1962


    16. Preston, Daniel Ray 11/17/1970


    17. Preston, John Willard 9/19/1967


    18. Preston, William Maurice 11/19/1933


    19. Price, Cody Lane 11/28/1997


    20. Price, John E 7/11/1970


    21. Price, Weston Tate 5/6/1996



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