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      Name Born   Died

    1. Carder, Fielden      
    2. Carder, Mae (Hoover)      
    3. Clark, Catherine      
    4. Clark, George      
    5. Clark, Jack      
    6. Clark, Orlan      
    7. Coffey, Clarence      
    8. Cole, Anne Hilda (Swift) 3/11/1947


    9. Cole, Betty Lou 9/18/1942


    10. Cole, Carolyn Joyce 4/15/1972


    11. Cole, Clarence Wilbur      
    12. Cole, Elaine Joyce (Ferguson) 1/20/1945


    13. Cole, James Robert 4/11/1944


    14. Cole, Kenneth Richard 5/21/1946


    15. Cole, Ollie Myrtle (Waugh)      
    16. Cole, Sandra Ellen 10/9/1971


    17. Cole, Shane Robert 1/20/1967


    18. Cole, Tyler LeRoy 9/8/1973


    19. Cole, Wilbur 6/9/1921


    20. Coulter, Blake Thomas 9/26/1981


    21. Coulter, Brandi 8/14/1976


    22. Coulter, Victor 2/22/1954



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