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      Name Born   Died

    1. Margaretha, Maria 11/1/1721


    2. Mason, Katherine Marie (Muehlenkamp) 7/7/1930


    3. Mason, Robert Darrel      
    4. Mather, Barbara Jo (Wright) 5/24/1951


    5. Mather, Calvin Michael 6/24/1969


    6. Mather, Carol Ann (Eastman) 2/1/1951


    7. Mather, Carol Marie (Hansen) 7/18/1946


    8. Mather, Carol (Veeck) 11/9/1918


    9. Mather, Carol (Steele) 11/10/1947


    10. Mather, Christopher Warren 9/10/1984


    11. Mather, Evelyn Pauline (Ezell) 7/21/1913


    12. Mather, Florence A (Pence)      
    13. Mather, George Dean 1/25/1951


    14. Mather, Gordon Holaday 12/1/1914


    15. Mather, Grace Elizabeth 8/15/1918


    16. Mather, James Michael 2/25/1944


    17. Mather, James Warren 6/4/1911


    18. Mather, James      
    19. Mather, James Harvey 2/16/1879


    20. Mather, Janet Mardean (Hadley) 11/22/1941


    21. Mather, John Warren 4/27/1948


    22. Mather, Kathryn (Weivel) 9/10/1954


    23. Mather, Kristine Ann 9/23/1971


    24. Mather, Mary Lynn 9/15/1989


    25. Mather, Robert James 5/7/1940


    26. Mather, Roger Leland 3/18/1946


    27. Mather, Stacia Lynn 10/10/1969


    28. Mather, Timothy Gordon 4/23/1946


    29. Mather, Victoria (Hockemeyer)      
    30. Mather, Zachery Erington 11/15/1977


    31. Maxwell, George Earl      
    32. Maxwell, Mary (Hargitt)      
    33. Merrion, Louise  


    34. Merrion, Nicholas      
    35. Middleton, Ada      
    36. Middleton, Charles      
    37. Middleton, John  


    38. Middleton, Jonnie      
    39. Middleton, Mary      
    40. Middleton, Opal      
    41. Miller, Andrea JoAnn      
    42. Miller, Betty (Jean)      
    43. Miller, Betty June      
    44. Miller, Carman (Harsha)      
    45. Miller, Clarence Dean      
    46. Miller, Cynthia Ann (Kenny) 1/26/1956


    47. Miller, Daniel Scott 12/28/1963


    48. Miller, Denise (Lewis)      
    49. Miller, Edwin Thomas      
    50. Miller, Edwin      
    51. Miller, Floyd 2/14/1892


    52. Miller, Jackson Hamilton      
    53. Miller, Jeffery Lynn 1/20/1956


    54. Miller, Joan (Cutler) 10/5/2029


    55. Miller, Joanne      
    56. Miller, John      
    57. Miller, Joyce Elinor 2/17/1924


    58. Miller, Lewis Cass      
    59. Miller, Max Holaday 6/30/1931


    60. Miller, Mike      
    61. Miller, Mike      
    62. Miller, Pat      
    63. Miller, Paul      
    64. Miller, Randall Lewis      
    65. Miller, Richard      
    66. Miller, Rita Marie (Durbin) 2/17/1960


    67. Miller, Robert Charles 6/4/1927


    68. Miller, Russell Jay 9/21/1987


    69. Miller, Sophia Park (Ingman)      
    70. Miller, Steven Jay 9/21/1960


    71. Miller, Tommy      
    72. Miller, Wanda (Ditmars)      
    73. Monahan, Cindy 5/30/1954


    74. Monahan, John W      
    75. Muehlenkamp, Anton Louis 8/30/1935


    76. Muehlenkamp, Clara (Albers) 3/3/1905


    77. Muehlenkamp, Henry Leroy 6/5/1939


    78. Muehlenkamp, Joetta Lou (Cunningham) 7/22/1937


    79. Muehlenkamp, John George 1/13/1934


    80. Muehlenkamp, John George 3/15/1903


    81. Muehlenkamp, Nicholas Bernard 12/30/1931


    82. Muehlenkamp, Nora Betty (Powell) 7/3/1936


    83. Muehlenkamp, Opal Marie (Refior) 11/28/1934


    84. Muehlenkamp, Shirley (Haddock)      
    85. Muehlenkamp, Velma (McGee)      
    86. Muhlenbruck, Calvin Lewis 9/4/1925


    87. Muller, Anna Marie      
    88. Muller, Johann Nicolaus 2/18/1715


    89. Murphy, Mike 6/16/1935


    90. Murphy, Phyllis (Gottschalk) 11/23/1940


    91. Myers,      

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