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      Name Born   Died

    1. Garber, Amelia (Goodner)      
    2. Garber, Elias G.      
    3. Geist, Adam      
    4. Geist, Alex      
    5. Geist, Anna Marie (Younger)      
    6. Geist, Catherine (Weigel)      
    7. Geist, Catherine (Gerber) 12/24/1845


    8. Geist, Clara (Riedel)      
    9. Geist, James      
    10. Geist, Johannes      
    11. Geist, Johannes 6/29/1840


    12. Geist, Louise (Roerner)      
    13. Geist, Michael      
    14. Geist, Michael      
    15. Giehl, Del      
    16. Goldsby, Dale      
    17. Goldsby, Lavera      
    18. Gordon, Patty (Van Horn)      
    19. Gordon, Ralph 5/20/1942


    20. Gordon, Sharon      
    21. Gordon, Shirley Marie 6/10/1943


    22. Gotterweiss, Gesina (Mullers)      
    23. Gotterweiss, Ildefonsus      
    24. Gottschalk, Allen Lee 4/21/1942


    25. Gottschalk, Earl 5/25/1945


    26. Gottschalk, Georgina (Schulte) 4/5/1916


    27. Gottschalk, John 9/21/1912


    28. Gottschalk, John Wayne 8/1/1938


    29. Gottschalk, Merlin Henry 2/2/1954


    30. Gottschalk, Patricia 9/10/1939


    31. Gottschalk, Roberta (Leiker) 7/1/1946


    32. Gottschalk, Ronald 10/24/1944


    33. Gottschalk, Sandra (Austerdan) 8/12/1955


    34. Gottschalk, Shirley (Spier) 11/4/1941


    35. Gottschalk, Terrance Dean 7/7/1952


    36. Gottschalk, Thereesa (Stecklein) 6/20/1945


    37. Grove, Dick      
    38. Grove, Kay      
    39. Grove, Sarah 1/21/1983


    40. Grove, Tom 9/9/1962


    41. Gunn, Barbara      
    42. Gunn, C      
    43. Gutting, Catherine (Schulte)  


    44. Gutting, Frank      
    45. Gutting, Frank      

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