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      Name Born   Died

    1. Kelly, Adella (Lowe?)      
    2. Kelly, Lynn Marie 8/8/1946


    3. Kelly, Paul      
    4. Kelly, Vincent      
    5. Keran, Rebecca Louise 3/18/1975


    6. Keran, Wilbur      
    7. Keran, William Lee 5/11/1972


    8. Keuck, Adam Lowell 9/26/1979


    9. Keuck, Arlene (Stumpf) 8/12/1939


    10. Keuck, Christine Louise 5/4/1960


    11. Keuck, Craig Lowell 3/27/1958


    12. Keuck, Diane (Hanlon) 8/17/1952


    13. Keuck, Frederick Christian Albert 7/22/1907


    14. Keuck, Heather Marie 7/17/1977


    15. Keuck, Jody Lynn 9/27/1977


    16. Keuck, Kerri Lynn 10/12/1962


    17. Keuck, Leroy Lyle 2/1/1937


    18. Keuck, Nikky Leigh 7/10/1975


    19. Keuck, Norma Jo (Baldock)      
    20. Keuck, Richard Lowell 11/19/1938


    21. Keuck, Rosemarie (Payne)      
    22. Keuck, Tony Marie 8/26/1962


    23. Kinnmon, John      
    24. Kohl, Anna Marie 5/30/1811


    25. Kohl, Johannes 1/8/1707


    26. Kohl, Petrus 8/7/1775


    27. Kohl, Phillipp 9/29/1745



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