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      Name Born   Died

    1. Lang, Adam      
    2. Lang, Katherine (Geist)      
    3. Leader, Amanda Jo 3/22/1985


    4. Leader, Andrea Sue (Doughtery) 4/1/1962


    5. Leader, Barbara Louise 10/3/1949


    6. Leader, Charles 1/3/1928


    7. Leader, Charlotte Ann 11/10/1951


    8. Leader, Colby Edwin 11/18/1990


    9. Leader, Edwin Harold 11/25/1959


    10. Leader, Joe Allan 12/16/1957


    11. Leader, Joel Alan 12/16/1983


    12. Leader, John Henry 10/20/1964


    13. Leader, Karen Kay (Swinford)      
    14. Leader, Katie Rae 8/1/1981


    15. Leader, Kerri Elizabeth 12/20/1982


    16. Leader, Mary Jo (Auffeat) 12/11/1956


    17. Leader, Raymond Dale 9/18/1954


    18. Leader, Ronnie Lee 11/6/1963


    19. Leader, Scott Joseph 10/23/1977


    20. Leiker, Ilene (Gottschalk) 5/7/1946


    21. Lowe?,      
    22. Lowe?, Elizabeth      
    23. Lozinski, Emma (Surmeler) 9/21/1920


    24. Lozinski, John      

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