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  • Veldon Dale Holaday 

  • Born:
  • Sunday, August 16, 1931
    (Currently:  93 Years,  1 Month,  2 Days) 

  • Married:

  • Betty Holaday (Guthrie) on Saturday, April 18, 1953.
    (Married:  71 Years,  5 Months,  0 Day) 
  • Children (Ordered by Birth Date):
  • 1. Vel Dale Holaday on Friday, October 01, 1954.
    2. Evariste Bernie Holaday on Sunday, January 08, 1956.
    3. Lynn Dianne Holaday on Tuesday, March 18, 1958.
    4. Eric Lee Holaday on Monday, September 17, 1962.

  • Siblings (Ordered by Birth Date):
  •     1. Evelyn Louise Holaday 
        2. Edwin Harold Holaday 

    Veldon Dale Holaday —   Dale Holaday ——————————————————   Joseph Lemuel Holaday
    —  Belle Holaday
    —  Mildred Holaday ———————————————   UNKNOWN
    —  UNKNOWN

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    This record last updated:  Wednesday, October 23, 2002